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This week’s recipe: the beautiful pork chop with Canadian woods runner’s spice mix

It’s very easy all you need is one or several very beautiful and thick pork chops. You can have ready-mix Canadian mix (mapple sugar, coriander, dried garlic, dried onion, salt, black pepper) but you can do with maple syrup, salt, black pepper, coriander, garlic and onion (either dried or not).

If you don’t have ready mix, prepare the marinade with all the ingredients, enough to paint the chops and dosing the various ingredients according to your taste.

First, grill the chops directly on the fire and put the plank next to it so that it heats. When the chops are well grilled and the plank smokes, put the chops on the plank, use the marinade on the chops or put a healthy dose of ready-mix on them and close the lid. Let cook according to the width of the chops.

And voilà! Some season’s vegetables and your preferred red Bordeaux wine will make it perfect!

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